Motivational Speaking

Live the life of your dreams

Take control of your life...lead with authenticity, exude confidence and perform fullest

Motivational Speaker

A Mindful Leadership expert, author and motivational speaker

Manish’s inspirational speaking builds inner prowess through mastery of thoughts, feelings, intentions, values, beliefs, principles and identity. By challenging an inner constraint we can tap into inner resource that leads to ever-expanding outer impact.

– Organizations create a more mindful workplace culture increasing employee engagement, retention, and productivity

– Facilitates leaders and managers to steer to inspire, support and encourage

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Mindful leadership

Ways to Build Purpose and Self Awareness

– He encourages leadership and co-workers to appreciate and celebrate the success and contributions of others.

– This attitude fosters trust, enhances teamwork and greatly impacts employee performance.

– Helps organizations create a mindful workplace culture .

– Encourages colleagues to celebrate every other‘s success and freely collaborate
– Aids in developing positive social connections at work for workersresulting
in larger engagement, retention and productivity
– Sets the surroundingswherever ego battles aren’t stifling the progress of the organization

– Demonstrates the value of employees appreciating each others contributions

– Teaches methods to communicate with empathy

– Assists individuals in managing their emotions and not giving in to reactivit

Speacial Talk Sessions

Self and Conscious Awareness Based programs for Leaders

Keynote and Workshop Topics

Format: One day, Half day or 90 minute keynote with group breakout session

Mindfulness and Self Awareness Talk and Workshop

Neuroscience based Emotional intelligence and Decision Making

Building Conscious Awareness

Happiness – How to find your true Joy

Success - Real meaning of being Successful

Motivation – How to be successful yet be happy

Health and Wellness – Improve your overall wellbeing

Believe in yourself – Key for success

Failures are opportunities – How failures can lead to success

Abundance – How to invite abundance from Universe

Peace with Passion – The key to living a calm and happy life

Depression – Eradicate anxiety and bring calm

of clients who hire a coach are satisfied with the overall experience

of clients who hire a coach are satisfied with the overall experience

of clients who hire a coach are satisfied with the overall experience

Fantastic workshop. People should attend it if they want to be a successful leader in life.

Mukesh Suthar

Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co.
Good learning with effective directions, Practical approach with real-life examples and procedures. Lot of insight for better thought process. A sensible approach to reach success.

Sandeep Mendiratta

Thermaflex Insulation Asia
It helped me deep dive inside myself and be self-aware. Also learned how to channelize my emotions and handle them in a better way.

Sudarshan Shettigar

IPG Mediabrands

Book A Speaking Session for your organisation or event

Schedule a Keynote and Workshop of Manish : Book an appointment now.
Blog and Articles

Blog & Articles

Mindfulness and Ancient Wisdom- Podcast

Mindfulness and Ancient Wisdom- Podcast

Mindfulness and Ancient Wisdom- Podcast Mindfulness And Ancient Wisdom For Turbulent In…

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Freedom to be Happy – Podcast

Freedom to be Happy – Podcast

Freedom to be Happy – Podcast Freedom to be Happy Podcast by…

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Finding Peace Through Mindfulness In A Chaotic World With Manish Behl

Finding Peace Through Mindfulness In A Chaotic World With Manish Behl

A mindfulness teacher explains how to find peace in the present moment…

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Mindfulness & Resilience In Changing World

Mindfulness & Resilience In Changing World

Manish Behl of Mindful Science Centre and Chris Tamdjidi from Oxford Mindfulness…

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A Glimpse into Mindfulness – Podcast with Manish Behl

A Glimpse into Mindfulness – Podcast with Manish Behl

Deepak Atri we talk with Manish Behl. A Glimpse into Mindfulness with…

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Mindfulness Meditation for clarity and calm – by Manish Behl

Mindfulness Meditation for clarity and calm – by Manish Behl

Do you feel mental fogg as if you are stuck in a…

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Mindfulness, emotional intelligence and neuroscience

Mindfulness, emotional intelligence and neuroscience

Listen to Mr. Manish Behl one of the top minds in the…

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Rediscovering Yourself

Rediscovering Yourself

Listen to Mr. Manish Behl one of the top minds in the…

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Insights and practices to build Mindfulness, Performance, Creativity, and improve mental well-being.

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