Are you ready to transition to a New life?
Get ready to jumping out of bed, excited to go to work and live your life at fullest?Mindfulness & Meditation Positively Affects The Structure And Functional Activity Of Brain. It Helps In Positive Thinking, Regulating Emotions, Reducing Stress, Strengthening Empathy And Collaboration With Others And The Environment.
Mindfulness is a practice which bring calm and inner peace. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.
What is Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence?
Mindfulness Helps You In Following Ways
“Connecting with your true consciousness”

Mindfulness Program
The Inner Transformation – Helping you achieve positive change
Stress and Anxiety are a major problem of our chaotic lifestyle. Recent studies and research on meditation done by top scientist and various universities have found that most of us are so busy in rat race to acquire materialistic objects that we completely forget our real purpose.
Manish has created Neuroscience based specialised mindfulness program which help you enter deepest levels of your mind and experience creativity, ideas and visualisation. Achieve insights into the universe, build your physical and physiological immunity and attain a strong power of intuition with ability for performance
Conscious Awareness Program
Emotional Awareness leads to happiness and SuccessConsciousness is everything you experience. Presence of Consciousness is a profound state of Self-Realization. Life force energy affects matter on the quantum, subatomic level and works its way upwards through atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and structure to create healing.
Conscious Awareness Program is a practical philosophical training program to build knowledge and confidence that helps you to develop your structural and rational consciousness.
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” - Thic Nath Han
Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience and Conscious Awareness Programs8 Weeks Mindfulness Program
Neuroscience based Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence trainingNewly introduced Unique 8 weeks mindfulness program. Through this you will make positive changes in your life,:
The Course begins with a foundation in Mindfulness. As the program progresses, it continues to deepen participants’ experience with mindfulness, and include more areas of mental, emotional, and social life. Participants learn about wellbeing and emotional management, interpersonal skills, followed by interpersonal skills of empathy and intention in being with others
The course aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself and in getting the most out of living. Benefits including:
– Increased ability to relax and perform better
– Greater energy and enthusiasm for life
– Higher self-confidence
– Increased ability to deal with short and long-term stressful situations.
The aim of the programme is to learn new ways to handle challenging physical sensations, feelings, moods or social interactions.
2 Days Mindful Leadership Program
How effectively you are processing information and using emotions to drive your decision making?Learn to unravel issues and build choices objectively managing emotions creativeness and intuition to solve problems and make powerful decisions. Mindfulness allows you to slowdown and take more good decision as compare to fast and hasty decisions.
Through this program you will :
- Learn how to make decision through critical thinking using emotional intelligence
- You will learn how to mindfulness to take the time to consider all of the attributes of the different options, and make more informed decisions.
- Recognize your barriers to creative thinking and find how to innovative and create effective solutions
- Develop and build your emotional intelligence and relevant tools that will help you life long
Master the art of mindfulness and mindful meditation
Do you want to be a ZEN at Work?For centuries Himalayan practitioners have used meditation to quiet the mind, open the heart, calm the nervous system, and increase focus. Mindfulness Meditation is a refuge from the world around us, as well as an opportunity to engage with it more consciously.
During Weekly Mindfuless program, you will:
You will learn mindfulness tools to overcome limiting thoughts and behavior patterns and to live happier, healthier, and a more productive life.
- Eliminate the effects of stress from your life for good
- Clear and calm your mind
- Experience freedom from emotional turmoil, anxiety and depression
- Sleep better, wake up feeling refreshed
- Feel more joy and happiness in your life
One Day Conscious Awareness Program
Connecting with our Hidden Energies and StrengthAll of us are closer to our sub consciousness but since sub consciousness is purely spiritual in nature it is entirely hidden from our view. Our wellbeing and happiness is native to our self-love and realisation of our inner power and energies. During this program you get the opportunity to know how to connect with your inner strength and various awareness.
Through Conscious awareness program, you will
- Remove mental blocks and Find your inner energies
- Transform your Perspective, Develop Self Awareness and Become an Authentic, Effective Leader
- Develop new mindset that support you in creating a purpose and take you to the place of joy and happiness.
"The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers "
Blog and Articles
Observe: 101 Mindfulness Practices – By Manish Behl
About the Author Manish Behl, Global Leading Mindfulness Expert and founder of Mindfulness…
Unlocking Leadership potential through Mindfulness – By Manish Behl
+ About the Writer Manish Behl, Global Leading Mindfulness Expert and founder of…
Why we neglect Mindfulness – By Manish Behl
+ About the Writer Manish Behl, Global Leading Mindfulness Expert and founder of…